Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Waiting Is the Hardest Part

I am going to put a big ol' cuss word here - Holy Shit.  The places your mind goes when you have fear of the unknown.

From Jan 8th to the 10th was very long.  I did not get to even celebrate Jimmy Page's birthday.  I so love the guitarist for Led Zepellin, but I had to skip it this year.  His birthday is January the 9th.  He was born a few years after Elvis.  Mentioning this just in case you needed to know.  This info does come in handy at times.

So I was told that it would be Thursday before I heard so I was ok on Wednesday.  Just not in the celebrating Jimmy's birthday mood.  As Thursday drew on and I got no call of the all clear, I grew more quiet.  Even Gene asked me if I was ok because I was quiet.  I am usually not very quiet.

I need to mention my friend Brandi here.  She teaches across the hall from me.  The same time I was having my biopsy on the 8th - she was having her CT.  Brandi was diagnosed with endometriosis and they had found a cancerous tumor in her uterus.    She is younger than me.  She was having a total hysterectomy on Monday the 13th.  So I was trying to busy myself to help her and convince our buddy Pat to sub for her the 2-3 weeks she would be out.  Brandi is just about as stubborn as me.  She came on back to school for 3 days and got everything together and was ready to face it.  She knew what she was facing.  (she is doing good now - more later)  She was and still is an inspiration.

So at the end of school I go home and call to get a refill on some medication from Dr. Henderson and then about 15 min later Henderson calls me back.  He tells me that my biopsy was negative, but they think the spot was not hit.

Henderson said that he had talked with Roth and Byars and they were all very concerned that "we" needed to proceed further.  He stated that Roth called the mass "spiculated".  I took this as "OMG, they think I have cancer and I am going to die!"  Henderson was calm and reassuring and said he trusted Byars and would let him operate on his wife or daughters.  He assured me that Byars would call. 

I looked up spiculated and of course it came up with breast cancer and that 80% of these types of masses were cancerous. 

So I called John and said come home.  He did and sat with me and took over household duties because all I could do was lie down and cry and have the feeling of impending doom.  We told the kids that  I felt sick and that worked. 

Byars finally called at 8:30 and explained that he needed to perform a lumpectomy to determine if the mass was malignant or benign.  If it was malignant then he would proceed to take out lymph nodes to stage the cancer.  We could have the surgery Monday and his nurse would call me tomorrow.

Great - more waiting.

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