Monday, January 21, 2013

Insert Miscellaneous Post Here

This is going to be a rambling post of other stuff I forgot to include plus what I did the 3 days at school waiting to have my surgery.

So,  here is what I did at school.  I played it cool and we measured worms.  Yep, you heard me.  I have about 43 Helicoverpa zea.  I am one of the teachers taking part in the USDA Young Scientist Program.  Each of my students has a worm and we are charting their growth through the larva stage and gauging the date the worms would pupate, or turn into a pupa.

I also needed to finish my Teacher of the Year packet that was due on Tuesday by the close of business day.  The funny part of this was that I started sleeting - again and the entire district would be closed by 1:30.  Students left at 12:15.  So I did get to leave my school about 15 minutes early to drop off the packet.  And just FYI - the thing is like 20 pages typed!!  Hello, almost an entry for National Boards.

I also needed to help Madeline finish assembling her science project board.  The science project long finished, but the board was plain orange.  So that was finished on Tuesday night.  Her project is pretty cool too.  We made a scale model of The Price Is Right Plinko Board.  It was great fun.

During class the other days we just went on about our schedule.  Math and science.  Talked about plate tectonics and number theory.

I have to say that if I back up to the weekend I left out one important aspect.  I had not told my parents, my brother or my sister not one word of what was going on.  Was this a mistake?  Probably not.  I have to say that if you know your family really well like I do mine you know how people operate.  My parents, Beth and Rupe,  would be worried sick and calling the house wanting to know what was going on.  That was an outside stressor I could not handle at the moment.  My sister, Claire, would be sad and would want to help but there was nothing she could really do.  We were all just waiting.  My brother, Allen, lives in Hernando and he would be concerned, but he could do nothing either. 

So I waited until Sunday before the surgery and told them.  All were very sad and concerned, but understood why I had not told them.  I look back and wonder if I should have done that differently and I do not really know.  Obviously, they are up to date now.

I also would be remiss if I did not mention my school family who had been very supportive and praying for me the entire time.  Shout outs go to Heather, Alecia, Gene, Judy, and Lucy for being there.

Also, I have a very special group of "imaginary friends" on Facebook.  I have not met these people and they live all over the country and some in the UK and Austrailia.  Our common bond is Walt Disney World, but the bond is really much deeper than that.  I had literally hundreds of messages of love and support from the Liners;).  Know that it will never be forgotten.

On Wednesday night after typing out the longest sub plans ever.  I needed to make me a playlist for my iPhone.  I was pretty much making the modern version of a "mix tape" from the 80's.  This time I was making a surgery mix tape.  All the good people were invited as well as the weird stuff.  The Beatles, the Rolling Stones, Van Morrison, Pink Floyd.  Then the weird - The Rivingtons, Hansen, Golden Earring.  Some people like watching their "stories".  I have always had a love of music so I took my stuff to the hospital with me!

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