Saturday, January 19, 2013

Once Upon A Time......

in a galaxy far, far away.  Oops, sorry wrong story.

So my story starts with the Mayan Apocalypse.    December 21, 2012. 

 School had just let out for Christmas the day before and it was our first full day out.  I went to have my yearly visit with Dr. Henderson (who's father incidentally delivered me 41 years ago).  I had skipped my appt the year before and so needed to get it done.

I had never had a mammogram before so I was more concerned about the pain than anything else.  Even more concerned that Doc would get on to me because I had gained weight.  Mammo did not hurt.  I was surprised that it was that painless.  The automatic blood pressure deals are 10x more painful that a mammo.

I was also curious to the fact that I needed to make sure I wiped off the deodorant under my arms.  From a science teacher point of view I thought that was strange.

Rest of visit was uneventful.  I went home - made Christmas cookies.  Enjoyed the weekend and had Christmas with my family.

A few days later I received my letter from the office and it said my mammo was abnormal.  One of my BFFs Heather was at the house, and being a former radiology tech I asked her and she said since it was your first not to worry yet because it was probably dense tissue and they are being overly cautious.

So I called and got my next mammo appt at the diagnositic center  on Jan 8th.  It was a Tuesday and I had it scheduled so that I could run up there while my students were at specials and I would be right back.

I was still not very concerned or scared.

I look back now and think I was an idiot.

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