Saturday, January 19, 2013

Elvis' Birthday

My second mammogram was on Elvis' Birthday.  I could go way off on a tangent here- the story about the time I dressed up as Elvis,  my lifetime membership at Graceland Too, the time we invited Elvis Aron Presley McLeod to our Super Bowl party.

My appointment was at 9:15 and I got checked it and was a bit nervous.  A girl (we are all girls) named Tabitha who I was acquainted with was my tech.  The procedure took just a  minute or two.  I stayed in the room because I was suppose to have an ultrasound also.

She came back in and what she told me scared the shit out of me.  She told me that I could go ahead and get dressed because I was needed to talk with the radiologist and then make an appointment to see a surgeon because I needed a biopsy.  As I got dressed I was crying but trying to hold it in.  Tabitha was ever so sweet and reassuring telling me that a biopsy doesn't mean that is awful.

She took me down the hall to see Dr. Roth.  He introduced himself.  I told him I taught at the school where his youngest son went.  He was very nice, but was very concerned about my films.  He showed me the x-ray and I could see the spot.  It looked like an ink blot.  When he was through explaining that it was something that needed further investigation, he said "Good Luck".  Those 2 words kinda freaked me out.  Did I need luck?  Why did he really say it?

Next I new Tabitha was telling me that Dr. Henderson's office would be calling me to set up an appt with a surgeon.  I left and got into the van started crying and called John.  Of course John was reassuring and supportive and said to call him when I had the appt.

I get back to school and go crying to Martha, my principal and then I go cry to Heather.  Next thing I knew I had my call from Dr. Henderson and there was an appt to see  Dr. Byars at 1:30.  I called John and he was meeting me there.

Now I have to say that my memory is usually very precise, but I start to get fuzzy here.  I know I told my other BFFs Kathryn and Allison, but I do not know when.   I want to just say that sometime that morning they knew about what was going on.  Their prayers were with me the whole time. 

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