Saturday, January 19, 2013

Elvis' Birthday - Part II

So, let's just skip the whole freak out and not eat at lunch stuff.  Just know that I kinda just stared at my food and half ass taught a bit of my afternoon class then left.

Got to Dr. Byars' office - did the usual paperwork stuff and waiting around.  I played solitaire on my phone because it is mindless.

When I was called back I got the pleasure of being weighed - yay- and then my blood pressure taken.  It was high for me 140 something was the top number.  This is high for me.  I told the nurse, whose name I forget, I was scared to death.  She said she would be too.

She started getting out  instruments and John and I thought I was there for a consultation for a biopsy.  She said if he can do it today he will.

Byars came in and introduced himself.  We had met before.  I had taught his kids in school while I was in the science lab.  His wife is on the school board.  He did an examination and could not feel anything.  I did not say this earlier - but neither could Henderson.  He proceed with his ultrasound and he could see it.

So, they started to give me Lidocaine and numb me up good because the biopsy was a go.  During this time John needed to leave.  Not because he was asked, but because Byars and his nurse did not need to worry about picking him up off the floor when they gave me a shot.  John is a great and good man, but needles and thing are not his thing.

So, they stuck this instrument in my breast about the size of a ballpoint pen.  Used the ultrasound to locate it and then clicked the pen to get the needle sample.  then I was bandaged and sent back to school.  I was fine with the pain.  There was not much.

I do need to insert here that I was told that I would feel some discomfort and might feel some pain.  I might have said "ooo" once.  I was too busy looking at the ultrasound.  I have a pretty high pain tolerance and so it was not that much of a deal.  The nurse was amazed at how I dealt.  She said that she has had to hold people down to do it.  I told her that that was just plain silly.

I then started playing the waiting game.  I lose this game every freaking time!  I am such a bad player too.

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