Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Hi Ho, Hi Ho .....

Going back to work was really not a big deal.  I do not like people to tell me what to do and I had been off work 2 days and had a 3 day weekend.  So why not go back to work.  No one said I couldn't.  Just like when no one told me to stay in the bed in the delivery room after having Madeline.  Everyone was gone to see her, so I got out of bed and went to find the nursery.  I scared the crap out of my nurses because I had disappeared.  No one told me to stay put.

Basically, this is a non-interesting post.  I sat in my rollie chair and  greeted my kids.  I taught them from another chair, and then my student teacher taught math.  This went on for a few days.

Yes, I did get tired.  Yes, I moved slow.  Yes, my boob hurt when I walked.  But what are you gonna do, sit around.

The worst part about being at school was dealing with the drain.  At home I just clipped the thing to my belt loop and let the tubing hang out a bit.  At school, I had to hide it.  The kids would be grossed out.  So once during school I would go measure the drainage and come back to class.

Measuring the drainage was important.    When the drainage got down to a certain amount I could get it out.  So I had a sheet of paper tucked in my pocket and wrote down the data.  Yes, it was data.  I kept it just in case I had to prove that it was low.

While we are talking about the drain, imagine having to shower with it.  I could not let it hang because it pulled.  It was sewn into my side.  I also could not let my breast be unsupported.  Luckily, I could sit in the shower and do my best.  I tried to get as clean as I could because I couldn't wear deodorant on the right side, so soaping up was the best I could do.

Driving was fun.  I put a beach towel in the car as padding.  I drove one time without it and it was uncomfortable.

These days passed.  Late January is really not that exciting.  We did have the science fair.  Very proud of Madeline.  She won 1st place in Engineering, Computers, and Math.  She experimented on the odds of PLINKO.  I love the Price Is Right.

I always wanted to be on the Price Is Right.  I have always wanted to know if the Big Wheel you spin to get in the Showcase Showdown was heavy.

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