Tuesday, March 12, 2013

I am so hungry!!!!

John and I had a nice drive home - I do not really remember it, but I was texting my friend Heather so that Madeline could come on home.

Heather is a bestie.  She cooked up supper and had gotten my daughter home from school and helped her with her homework.  She was with me when I opened my letter from my first mammo and now she was here when it was over.

I was starving!  Heather made Poppy Seed Chicken, rice, green beans.  It was great!  I ate a lot - and did not get sick.  Another bestie, Alecia, fixed some brownies.  it was awesome !!!

We talked about the surgery and then decided to venture into the bathroom with Heather to go check out my armpit.  We had already peaked at my other scar.

Holy Cow !!!! No wonder my armpit hurt.  It was cut from one side to the other.  And it looked angry!

My armpit will be a source of a lot of funnies to come.

Finally time to go to bed and it was interesting.  I could only lie on my back or left side.  Which pretty much sucks wind because I am a stomach sleeper or sleep on my right side with my right arm extended.  I could hardly move my right arm, much less raise my hand.

So, I just decided to medicate myself with Loratab and knock myself out.  It worked pretty good until the itchies come. I am allergic to the codeine in the Loratab.  Nice. 

So, over the next 4 days I convalesced (a word I have never used by the way) at home.  I became ambidextrous and  became acquainted with the drain.  A source of evil and pain.

Our house had also had an enormous amount of great food all brought by my wonderful friends.  I visited with my friends and neighbors and put the news on Facebook.

I am sure some of you wonder why I put it on Facebook.  I was not excited to have cancer and was surely not boasting about it.  I have friends all over the country and they needed to know.  My imaginary Disney Liner friends were praying for me too. 

I also wanted to make sure people went to go get their mammogram.  It is a must!

And one last little piece of wonderful news that happened the day after surgery.  My lymph nodes were negative.  All 14.  Wow.  Something good was happening.

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